Despite there being several breast implant versions for a breast enhancement, the majority of them come filled with silicone gel or a saline solution. Both silicone gel-filled and saline-filled implants are enveloped in a silicone gel. Although there are other kinds of breast implants with fillings like soy oil, the aforementioned two are the most common variants.
Saline-filled implants were first made in France in 1964. The silicone variants came about some years before 1964 in Texas. With time, both variants have been improved and redesigned, quite obviously. At the moment, saline implants are more common in the States than silicone implants. This is due to the federal health silicone implant restrictions. In other nations, where there aren’t such restrictions, silicone breast implants are more popularly used for a breast enlargement. The first set of breast implants were inserted in 1962.
Several varieties of implants could be used for reconstructing a missing or deformed breast. On the cosmetic front, silicone implants are usually considered superior than saline implants. It’s believed silicone implants give a more natural feel and look. Women with little breast tissue and females who’ve gone through mastectomies at times feel a wrinkling or rippling effect with saline breast implants. But, females with a much larger natural breast tissue could hardly see the difference between silicone and saline breast implants.
Breast implants help augment a female’s breast size and also her self-esteem. The size increase can be quite dramatic. Big breasts are typically linked with sexuality and fertility, and could be considered quite attractive in the majority of cultures.
Women having smaller breasts could feel a bit unattractive or inadequate. This often results in low self-esteem. However, such implants aren’t miracle treatments for boosting one’s self-confidence.
Women who are looking for more subtle and natural-looking improvements also have options other than implants. Increasingly, such women are turning to natural, non-surgical techniques for breast enhancement, as described in
Negative Effects
Painful recovery is probably the biggest disadvantage of using breast implants. Based on the breast implant size, the recovery can take a few weeks or months. During the period, women should refrain from most physical activities since there are rupture and/or infection risks, or breast cancer detecting issues. Post-operative infection is a major risk. Implants rupturing inside the body is not rare either. Also, such surgeries aren’t cheap, particularly with implants needing replacement every couple of years.
During the ’90s, several medical researchers studied the connection between systemic disease and silicone gel implants. Many women have supposedly fallen ill with rheumatological and neurological issues due to these implants. Multiple studies have been conducted on this on a continuous basis. But the scientific community has not yet arrived at a consensus on the topic.
To be on the safer side, several plastic surgeons stick with saline-filled implants and don’t touch silicone implants, fearing illness in the patients. And this trend is likely to be adhered to in the coming years. But since silicone implants tend to be more natural looking, many women fly out of United States just to get a silicone breast enhancement procedure done.
Cancer Treatment Hurdles
Though breast implants and their role in inducing breast cancer is not yet established, the implants certainly make detecting breast cancer signs quite tough. Women with the implants would have a difficult time feeling the breast lump, if any, during examination. Also, mammograms could be harder, and multiple pictures of the spot would be required in place of only a few.
For treating breast cancer, at times it’s necessary to surgically remove the breast implant(s). The surgical procedure is called mastectomy. These implants could often be used for reconstructing the damage. And since the surgery is reconstructive in nature, the expense gets covered by health insurance plans.
Though some medical insurance plans would cover implants’ costs in certain scenarios, most of them won’t. This is quite likely the case if the breast enhancement procedure is purely for cosmetic reasons.
Things to Consider Before a Breast Implant Surgery
A breast enlargement procedure has potential long-term effects and you must determine if the positives outweigh the negatives. Finding a qualified surgeon is probably the first step in the right direction. The surgeon must be experienced and have good patient feedback.
As a patient, you should know that medical operations, especially cosmetic surgeries, could end up not as per plans. For instance, a scar is highly likely. Also, you may not end up liking how the breast implants feel or look. Not being able to breastfeed kids, diminished nipple sensation, etc. are other likely post-surgery outcomes. Once you consider all these factors in detail, you might well end up opting for an herbal enhancement solution, like Breast Actives.
Get in touch with your doctor to determine the breast implant type that would suit your case better. Once the doctor recommendations come through, learn about the implant manufacturers. All this knowledge should give you an idea as to what design would suit your needs and how different breast implants function inside the body.